Chilli Update March 2017

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For us, here at the chilli farm, March has seen more of the same potting up. The second sowings of superhots along with all the hots and sweets peppers are now done and very soon the next phase will begin. The first batch of plants are enjoying the new propagation house and some reasonably fine weather and as a result are now more than ready for their final pots.

If you are thinking of growing your own chillies or sweet peppers this year you still have time to start them from seed, or you can purchase plug plants or small potted plants. You can find out all you need to know for successful propagation in our new website information section: All You Need To Grow.

Here you will find the Chilli Propagation Guide which applies to all capsicums hot or sweet. The guide covers all the aspects of propagating capsicums form seed including details on growing mediums, propagators and grow lights. The guide is practical based and contains step-by-step guides and images to assist in your growing adventure. The grow guides are there for your own personal use and will be permanently located in the easy-to-find, All You Need To Grow section so you can view it time and again and share with friends. There will be more guides and articles added to this section, not only about chillies but all sorts of plants and vegetables as well as general practical growing advice.

Take a look in the shop at the new Chilli Propagation Kits which feature many of the products mentioned in the guide. They come in a range of sizes and options and contain all you need to get your plants started. Opt for one of these kits or use them as a guide to formulate your own kit. You can find General Propagation Kits in the propagation section.

Enjoy the propagation guide and getting your own chillies on the grow, and see you back here at the end of April for another chilli update.

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