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Bud Ignitor 250ml

SKU PTNU117 Category Brand:
  • You Maximize Your Flowering Sites Per Stem
  • Promotes Flowering
  • Your Plants Get What They Need For Maximum Harvests
  • Help Your Plants Store Potassium And Phosphorus To Maximize Flower Production

Bud Ignitor 250ml

SKU PTNU117 Category Brand:


What do your plants really need? Most bloom fertilizer programs underplay potassium and nitrogen too much, while providing too much phosphorus too late. This includes the reliance on bloom boosters used on top of base nutrients.

Come to find out that scientific testing from thousands of tissue samples on the type of plants you grow shows that if you fail to provide the right amounts and right types of potassium and phosphorus early in the bloom phase, you create a permanent deficit that lowers your harvest size no matter what you do later on.

It’s like missing the starting gun for a race, and then scrambling like crazy to catch up later on.

But you can’t catch up: after those first two weeks are gone, your plant is not going to create any more budding sites. You see why early application of Bud Ignitor is crucial to maximizing everything your plants do later in bloom cycle.

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg



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