Diamond Nectar is an exclusive Fulvic Acid extract from a combination of unique Leonardite sources providing the highest availability and diversity of these bio-active plant compounds. General Hydroponics research team has assayed over 300 different Leonardite sources around the world to create a proprietary, pH balanced, fulvic acid with maximum agronomic benefits. Fulvic acid enhances plant growth and yield. It improves uptake and utilisation of nutrients and minerals by growing plants. It transports nutrients to all plant parts: roots, stems, foliage, flowers and fruit. It affords growers the benefits of natural organic mater in a liquid form. In hydroponics and soilless cultivation, it helps create an environment closer to soil conditions. Diamond Nectar is not a fertiliser. It is an additive to be used in combination with comprehensive fertilisers like Flora-series or One Part. Combined with a conventional nutrition program, it leads to earlier harvests, healthier disease resistant plants and enhanced qualities of flavour, fragrance, essential oils, plus significantly higher yield.
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