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Wilma 4 pot tray only

SKU PTSY43A Category Brand:

See Pots and Trays section for spear Wilma pots.

Wilma 4 pot tray only

SKU PTSY43A Category Brand:


The Atami Wilma is an active hydro version of a drip irrigation system. Plants benefit from the accurate feeding of active hydroponics, combined with the flexibility of growing in pots. Pots are placed on a tray above a nutrient solution tank. Plants and drippers are placed in the pots with the chosen growing medium – clay, coco, soil or rockwool. Set the irrigation frequency with a timer, which triggers the drippers to automatically feed the plants. The nutrient solution works its way through the medium and over the roots of the plants, draining into the catchment tank and drawing oxygen into the root zone. The Atami Wilma offers the flexibility to be used as an irrigation system with a tank to catch run off or as a fully re-circulating hydro system.

See Pots and Trays section for spear Wilma pots.

Additional information

Weight 6 kg
Dimensions 59 × 59 cm


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